Our new APX Ambassadors and their trip to TaipeiPosted by APXTravel on 20 August 2019
Meet our eight new Ambassadors for 2019 and hear about their actioned packed trip to Taiwan's capital.
How APX stays transparent & takes actionPosted by APXTravel on 10 May 2019
Learn more on how we remain accountable & take action thanks to one of our very nifty tools.

Natural Disaster Assistance with International SOSPosted by APXTravel on 08 May 2019
Are you ready for the storms ahead? Keep your people prepared and productive.
Exploring MSC MagnificaPosted by APXTravel on 27 March 2019
Our leisure consultant, Amber, explores MSC Magnifica - and is pleasantly surprised

What is NDC & why should you care?Posted by APXTravel on 28 February 2019
What exactly is NDC, or the New Distribution Capability, and why should you care about this exciting new development in the travel industry.

Me and my MevoPosted by APXTravel on 27 February 2019
Wendy van Lieshout, GM APX, gives Mevo a go in Wellington

Tips for stress free holiday travelPosted by APXTravel on 20 December 2018
The holidays make for one of the busiest travel seasons - here's how to stay stress free.

International SOS Shares Advice for Healthy Summer TravelPosted by APXTravel on 20 December 2018
International SOS shares five top tips that all travellers need to know before going on holiday this summer.

Wendy talks about optimising your travel programme while keeping travellers engaged & safePosted by APXTravel on 01 November 2018
GM Wendy van Lieshout's responses from recent panel for #CAPAEvents

Hotel Safety: A Guide to Staying Safe for Employers & TravellersPosted by APXTravel on 12 October 2018
Grab yourself a complimentary 'Hotel Safety Guide' for your next business trip - it's sometimes the little things that make all the difference.